The amount you invest in marketing can make or break your firms growth. Check out this article on how much you should invest in your staffing firms marketing.
Continue readingHow to Turn More Web Visitors Into Candidates
Here are 10 ideas you can use within your staffing firm to reduce your costs to acquire candidates and subsequently improve your sales and marketing ROI.
Continue readingTen Ways to Reduce Your Candidate Acquisition Costs
Here are 10 ideas you can use within your staffing firm to reduce your costs to acquire candidates and subsequently improve your sales and marketing ROI.
Continue reading7 Reasons to Ditch Job Boards and Attract Clinicians Direct
Learn Why Medical Staffing Firms Should Wean Off of Job Boards and Consider Google Marketing to Attract Clinicians
Continue readingWhy Differentiation in Medical Staffing Matters
In a highly competitive market for attracting clinicians and medical facilities, your firm has to have something that makes it stand out. Differentiation or how you set your firm apart from the competition through specific elements is the #1 opportunity to increase your firm’s competitive advantage in the market. Despite this fact, most owners build brands that try to be everything to everybody and end up lumped together with the masses of “me-too” brands.
Continue readingHow to Create a World-Class Candidate Attraction Plan
In the 21st century, digital marketing is one of the most efficient strategies for reaching new clinicians. Because of this many medical staffing firms, medical systems, and telemedicine firms have sought to install new digital marketing tactics in search of their ideal candidates. The problem is, that most of their initiatives won’t achieve their desired results.
Continue readingOnline Marketing Strategy to Attract Clinicians & Medical Facilities
In this guide, we outline a proven process for creating a competitive advantage in your online recruitment strategy using Google. Follow the same exact steps we used to help one client attract 150 new qualified candidates/mo.
Continue reading3 Deadly Marketing Mistakes Killing Your Staffing Firm’s Growth
Although there are many factors that impact your staffing firm’s growth, the following marketing mistakes are endemic to the staffing industry and have a negative impact on your top-line growth
Continue readingHow to Maximize Your Marketing Budget
According to estimates by BusinessWire, approximately one in every five dollars spent is wasted.
Continue readingOutperform Your Competitors Using This Simple Business Metric
Jay Abraham, master of marketing said that one of the most valuable things any business owner can do is to calculate the marginal net worth of a new client or customer. The marginal net worth, or commonly referred to as “Client Lifetime Value” is quite possibly the most important metric in business.
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